Optimize transportation costs - bet on fast cargo handling.

Want to speed up the delivery of goods or reduce transportation costs?
Properly performed transshipment can help you do that.
Check out XL LOGISTICS ‘ offer and see for yourself that changing the means of transportation can pay off.
Trust our experienced crews, who prove that transshipments can be carried out safely and without delays.


    Efficient and safe handling always on time

    Proper execution of transshipment is crucial if there is a change of means of transport during the transportation of goods.
    At XL LOGISTICS we know that in such a case not only time but also quality of service counts.
    Therefore, we guarantee reliable transshipments.
    Thanks to many years of experience, the activities performed within their framework proceed without unnecessary delay and damage to the goods.

    We perform pallet, heavy and multimodal (taking place between different modes of transport) transshipments of standard goods.
    We also provide the possibility of storing goods in our warehouse.

    Do you need support in organizing transportation?

    Or are you wondering if this is a viable option for you?
    Write to us or give us a call.
    We will analyze your situation and tailor reloading to your individual needs.

    Depending on the specifics of the cargo and the customer’s requirements, we reload goods manually or mechanically, that is, using specialized equipment (forklift or crane).
    We offer reloading on a cyclical and ad hoc basis, carried out if the situation requires it, for example, to speed up delivery.
    Find out why you should trust us

    Transshipment efficiency

    With knowledge backed by experience, we handle transshipments in the most efficient way possible - without unnecessary delays and additional costs.
    As a result, you can deliver goods faster and pay less for their transportation at the same time.

    Quality and safety

    Transshipments are carried out at our base, at specially designated locations.
    They are carried out by qualified crews, using specialized equipment and according to an established plan.
    This streamlines the work and reduces the risk of damage to goods to a minimum.

    Constant monitoring of goods

    We provide constant monitoring of the goods entrusted to us.
    This allows you to check at any time what stage of the supply chain your cargo is at.
    We will notify you when the transshipment is complete and the goods move on.

    Controlled microclimate

    We carry out each handling with due care so as not to cause damage.
    We maintain the required safety precautions and procedures .


    Want to complete cargo handling quickly and safely? Leave your number.