Waste transportation from XL LOGISTICS - Safely and Legally dispose of problematic garbage

You generate wastethat don’t qualify as municipal waste, and don’t know how to deal with them?
Opt for
waste transport From XL LOGISTICS.
We will efficiently and in accordance with applicable regulations transport them to the place of storage, processing or disposal.
Choose our transportation services and forget about the problem.


    Safe and efficient waste transportation?
    With XL LOGISTICS it is possible!

    Are you interested in efficient waste transportation?
    Do you want to be sure that the residues generated by your company will be properly transported to a storage or disposal site?
    Write to us or call us and an XL LOGISTICS expert will determine what we can do for you.

    Business operations often produce waste, which require appropriate management.
    would pose a threat for environment environment and human health.
    Z punktu widzenia bezpieczeństwa istotny jest sposób nie tylko ich składowania, przetwarzania i utylizacji, ale również przewozu.
    Dlatego w XL LOGISTICS oferujemy fachowy
    transportation of waste of various types.

    Do you want to efficiently, safely and in accordance with regulations transport waste arising in connection with your business?
    Find out how we can help you.


    We provide waste transport On all domestic routes.
    We operate on the basis of
    Regulation of the Minister of Environment October 7, 2016.
    On detailed requirements for
    waste transportation (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 1742), which regulates the rules of transportation of waste and the conditions under which it can take place.
    In addition, we carry out domestic garbage transport in accordance with the SENT procedure.


    We provide services of international waste transportation.
    Posiadamy stosowne zezwolenia na przewóz śmieci w różnych krajach Europy, w tym w Niemczech, Belgii i Holandii.
    Dbamy o to, aby
    waste transportation was carried out in accordance with national legal orders and European environmental standards.

    Bet on specialized waste hauling services - Efficiently transport garbage at home and abroad

    At XL LOGISTICS, we have extensive experience in domestic and international transportation of waste of different categories. We approach each order individuallycarefully analyzing the category of waste, choosing the right means of transport and maintaining acceptable tonnage.
    To gwarancja, że
    transportation of waste will be carried out efficiently and safely.

    As part of our transportation services, we primarily transport waste other other than municipal, including:

    As an international logistics center, we have developed forwarding and transportation facilities and specialized technical means.
    As a result, we are able to realize
    transportation of even the most demanding waste.
    Doskonale wiemy, jak zabezpieczyć wykorzystywane
    vehiclesto eliminate the possibility of spillage, leakage or dusting of transported waste.
    If necessary, we also use solutions to reduce odors.

    Waste transportation is one of our specialties.
    For this reason, we make every effort to ensure that it is not only performed in accordance with the law and the customer’s expectations, but also
    competitively priced.
    Ponadto stosujemy przejrzystą politykę cenową.
    Skrupulatnie wyceniamy nasze usługi i nie stosujemy ukrytych kosztów.

    Find out why else you should trust us?

    Waste monitoring

    Our vehicles are equipped with with GPS systems, through which we continuously monitor what stage the waste transport is at.
    We are also in constant contact with the drivers carrying out the garbage transport.

    Compliance with applicable regulations

    At XL LOGISTICS, we have the necessary permits required for waste transportation.
    We operate in compliance with national and EU environmental legislation.

    Adequate fleet of vehicles

    We transport waste with a fleet that is suitable for transporting garbage and meets all the required standards.
    As a result, you don't have to worry that the transport will pose a threat to the environment or human health, and you will be held responsible for failure to meet the requirements and be subject to fines.


    We use specialized means of transportation adapted for transporting various categories of waste.
    They are equipped with appropriate safety devices that prevent them from moving during the journey.
    In addition, if necessary, we transport waste in special containers and packaging.
    As a result, the transportation of garbage is safe.

    Qualified staff

    Waste transportation is carried out by qualified and properly trained drivers who know how to transport different categories of garbage, as well as how to behave in emergency situations.
    As a result, we carry out waste removal services efficiently and without complications.

    Minimum formalities

    We help with all the paperwork for transporting waste.
    We make sure that the driver carries the necessary documents and that the vehicles meet the labeling requirements.

    Professional advice

    Not sure if you need to obtain an entry in the BDO register?
    Wondering what category to assign the waste produced by your company to?
    At XL LOGISTICS, we offer not only top-quality transportation services, but also expert advice.


    Want to complete waste transport quickly and safely? Leave your number.